What’s new?
Add sorting to Sprint list page
This functional helps us to sort the next fields:
- Sprint;
- Status;
- Points;
- ∑ Estimated;
- Board;
- Project;
[Timesheets] Add ‘All’ to the filter in Timesheets page
Added switcher “All” and “Reset” to the filter on Timesheets page:
- Project;
- Position;
- Skill.

[Admin panel] Possibility to select multiple position
This feature helps Admin to add multiple position for the User: Admin panel -> Users -> Position field

What else?
- Timeline mismatch
- New Boards list Widget. Sorting by Points and Created
- Widget is hidden after opening the space menu
- [Sprints] Scroll is missing on the sprint details page
- Widget is hidden after opening the space menu
- Various bug fixes