What’s new?
Possibility to change column names on the Board tab
This feature helps us to edit Board’s column name:

Changes for long history entries
When there’s a really long description or comment that someone edits, the User doesn’t need to see the whole thing because it makes it impossible to scroll through history

[Knowledge Management project] Reading/writing mode for KM articles
We added a reading/writing mode to KM articles on the article page and the article side popup:
- reading/writing mode hides all accordions and just shows the article content (description field) with no accordion
- the user will change the mode by clicking a toggle at the top right of the page/side popup

[Test Run] Add test run editable
This feature allows the User to add/remove test cases from test runs.

History of added/removed tasks in a release/sprint
On releases (and sprints when we implement them) users should be able to see a chronological history of tasks moved into and out of the release, as well as tasks created directly into or deleted from the release.
- user must see
- date when the event occurred
- task summary and key
- the event that occurred (added, removed, created, deleted)
- user can choose between these time ranges
- all history
- before release/sprint started (if release has a date range)
- during release/sprint (if release has a date range)
- after release end date/sprint end date (if release has a date range)
Release tab -> Release details
Sprint tab -> Reelease details

What else?
- [Task][History] There are no keys in the history for added articles in relations[Edit Timelog] Update button disable when user unselect project
- [Spaces] Error when sorting tasks on bucket view
- [Spaces] Custom fields are missed on backets view
- [Release] [Tasks] There is no Reporter in table settings
- [Timelines] Scroll is broken after switching between spaces
- Various bug fixes