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How Z-Stream Is Structured to Optimize Workflow

Tutorials,03 May 2019
How Z-Stream Is Structured to Optimize Workflow

Built to enable highly efficient project management with enhanced workflows, Z-Stream is one of the best project management tools available and is especially helpful for handling multiple projects with varying timelines simultaneously. Its unique architecture is designed to make your life easier by supporting agile project management best practices. Z-Stream comprises a number of features like Timesheets, Roadmaps, and Release Notes, which enable you to plan, organize and complete your projects efficiently. Let’s take a look at how Z-Stream will empower you to achieve your goals quickly and easily.

Z-Stream’s Structure


Managing Collaborations Between Companies:

The first feature in Z-Stream is Companies. When you are involved in several independent projects at once, this feature allows you to manage them by creating different Company buckets. You can also provide access to a specific Company to partners or clients in order to work on the project together. Z-Stream lets you keep track of and supervise the workflows of several teams through one powerful, unified hierarchy model.

Creating a Product Line:

After you are done creating a Company, you can create Product lines that will help you streamline the work of different departments within your Company. Z-Stream’s Product lines allow you to quickly and effectively organize the projects of several different departments working side by side. Z-Stream allows you to monitor and collaborate on a large amount of issues across multiple departments.

Managing Your Product:

The Product level in Z-Stream’s hierarchy is where you supervise the progress of specific products, from the planning stage to the actual launch. This feature is built around agile development methods like Scrum and Kanban to optimize teamwork and support rapid iteration. Proper organization and management will help you get the most out of a team and will ensure that every team member thrives in the workplace.

With Z-Stream you can easily supervise a team, from the individual tasks that the team’s working on, to the overall progress of the product’s development. Whether you’re halfway across the room or halfway across the world, Z-Stream provides the perfect space for agile development teams to collaborate, coordinate, and ship great software with confidence.  


Once you create your product, the Releases feature can be used to help your team plan, organize and supervise the product’s development. With the help of a Gantt chart you can create a timeline for the project and organize your sprints or kanban iterations. The Releases feature also lets you create reports and release notes that you can show to third parties or end users.

Managing Sprints and Kanban Iterations:

Z-Stream has a hierarchy level designed specifically for creating and organizing sprints and kanban iterations. A sprint is the quantity of work you have planned in a specific amount of time. The Sprint feature lets you create these sprints and manage them from start to finish.

With Kanban iterations, you can release versions and document them on the fly, releasing only the tasks that are ready. Z-Stream also allows you to customize your own agile boards. You can change your board views to best fit your company’s needs for a specific project or iteration.  


Tasks are one of the most crucial components of Z-Stream. The tasks in a specific Sprint or Release can be organized and new tasks can effortlessly be created.

Z-Stream Products also have separate backlogs for tasks that are not linked to your iterations. The backlog of a product can be used to manage tasks that you want to remember but are not yet ready to tackle.

You can also log work and manipulate or view custom statuses to supervise the progress of different tasks while they are being completed. Estimated, remaining, and logged time are displayed by a time tracking scale, and there are many more customizable settings at your disposal. These include the ability to choose the type of task you are working on, assign the best-suited team members, prioritize your team’s tasks, upload attachments, and much more.

Other handy features you’ll love

Apart from the highly efficient structure designed with agile teams in mind, Z-Stream has a number of other handy features to allow for even more efficient product development, team management, and navigation:


When you have many different companies, products, sprints and tasks, it can be difficult to quickly navigate through everything to find exactly what you are looking for. However, the filter option, which can be found on almost every page in Z-Stream, allows you to quickly locate the data set you need. Z-Stream supports fast and easy cross-filtering for multiple different categories and values. Filtering allows you to conveniently sort through large quantities of data in order to find exactly what you need.


There will usually be several different people who work on the same project at the same time. However, not all members of the team should be able to access or change all of the data associated with a project. Certain team members might have to manage the product itself or other people within the team, whereas others may not need to be able to create or edit tasks.

Luckily Z-Stream’s permissions tool allows you to easily adjust the access each member of the team has to different functions throughout the app, depending on what their responsibilities and duties are. You can edit feature-level permissions for Z-Stream’s many default roles or create new roles of your own.


Z-Stream also offers time tracking. Depending on your role and the permissions you have, with this tool you will be able to see a report of the time you or your team members have spent on a particular task. You can also see the exact amount of time a particular team member has spent working on a product.  This feature allows you to:

– Log and track time directly from tasks as you work

– Track employees’ time spent on a particular project or task

– Send your data as a Google sheets report without navigating away from Z-Stream

You can also use filters on timesheets to categorize information by product, users, or time range. This allows you to quickly and conveniently get the data you need.

Quality Assurance:

Z-Stream has QA management tools that eliminate the need for extra plugins. You can create test suites for products, write test cases and run individual tests for your tasks. Our QA tools allow you to establish an efficient testing workflow. This feature lets you:

– Manage, organize and track your software testing efforts efficiently and track the QA progress of tasks in iterations

– Set dates and statuses, including planned dates, the dates you actually started, test dates, and re-test dates

– Manually execute tests and intelligently track progress (did your tests pass or fail?)

– Assign and monitor tests

This section also has cross-filters that allow you to sort information by a large variety of features. This allows you to quickly find the QA information you are looking for.

Release Notes:

You will no longer have to worry about manually organizing tasks and statuses, not even when asked for reports that range in breadth from a Sprint to a Release or a full Product. Z-Stream’s  release notes allow you efficiently create reports on products, releases, sprints and more. Alongside a convenient cross-filtering option, this tool lets you automatically create a specific, detailed report that includes all the information you need. With one easy click, you can then send your new report to as many recipients as you need.


Another key feature of Z-Stream is visual Roadmaps, a great tool for setting and tracking your goals. A Roadmap is a visual plan of your project’s goals that includes a detailed layout of the important steps or milestones on the way to reaching them. Z-Stream Roadmaps are fully customizable and can be easily tailored according to a specific project profile by adding extra fields and items and customizing or adding views. You can choose between Timeline or Swimlane views to create the most relevant visualizations of your plans.


Z-Stream is the ultimate project management app. Its agile project management tools help you keep track of every stage of a project and it does this simultaneously for multiple projects. Z-Stream’s unique structure was designed to fit the modern software company’s needs, and its unique tools and features allow you to increase the pace of progress for all of your teams. Not only does it allow you to quickly and efficiently manage your development projects, but it also helps you organize your team, keep track of time spent, plan your releases, create beautiful roadmaps, and send release notes, all in one place. Let Z-Stream help you achieve your goals. Try it now for free!