What’s new?
[Status history] History improvement for tasks
This feature helps us to split history tab on ‘All history’ and ‘Status history’

[Test Run] Test Run details tab
This improvement helps QA to add more information to description (links, attachments, long description, etc.)

[Sprint/Release] History improvement for Release and Sprint
Added History tab for Release and Sprint:
- When sprint is created
- When sprint was started
- When sprint is completed
- When sprint was updated: add/delete/edit date range, rename sprint, add/change/delete description and attachments

– When release is created
– When release is completed
– When release was updated: add/delete/edit date range, rename release, add/change/delete description and attachments

[Project import] Improve success and failed result
Success and failed result have positive and negative value when import is in progressю We added possibility to see import files are in Progress

What else?
- Rollbar issue when open Tasks page
- Wrong months order for Work Log calendars UTC -6
- Subtasks disappear from the list when bucketing by Epic
- Incorrect space update
- Error when click load more button using parent task bucket
- Searched suit is not displayed on the main list of results
- Various bug fixes